
Sumana Shrestha | अनि, अब

Sumana Shrestha | अनि, अब

अनि, अब with Sudheer Sharma, 2024-08-29
Sumana Shrestha interview

Sumana Shrestha interview

BBC Nepali Sewa, 2024-08-03
Sumana Shrestha | Fireside

Sumana Shrestha | Fireside

Fireside, Kantipur TV, 2024-02-12

Talk Time with Sumana Shrestha

Talk Time with Sumana Shrestha, Nepalese politician, Belonging to the Rastriya Swatantra Party || 2080/07/21 || NTV HD || NEPAL TELEVISION

Nepal Television, 2023-11-07
Ep 9 Sumana Shrestha | Rejuvenating Nepali Politics

Ep 9 Sumana Shrestha | Rejuvenating Nepali Politics

Podspective by Daayitwa Abhiyaan, 2023-09-26
On Air With Sanjay \#343 - Sumana Shrestha

On Air With Sanjay \#343 - Sumana Shrestha

Sanjay Silwal Gupta, 2023-07-27

सांसद सुमनाले दुई महिनामा के देखिन्, के सिकिन्

सांसद बनेसँगै कानुन निर्माणको थलोमा प्रणालीगत सुधारको पक्षमा पैरवी गरिरहेकी छिन्। संसदमा दर्ता भएका विधेयकमा सर्वसाधारणको सुझाव संकलनदेखि संसदीय क्यालेन्डर निर्माण गर्नुपर्नेसम्मको आवाज उठाइरहेकी सुमना श्रेष्ठ

setopati, 2023-02-28

Nepali lawmakers tend to shun study and research—with rare exceptions

Shrestha and Thapa like to prepare themselves thoroughly with the help of teams in order to carry out their duties.

The Kathmandu Post, 2023-02-20
tHE bRAVO dELTA show | Sumana Shrestha | EPI 106

tHE bRAVO dELTA show | Sumana Shrestha | EPI 106

tHE bRAVO dELTA show | AP1HD, 2023-02-08

संसद् र सांसदलाई काम दिन संसदीय क्यालेन्डर नभई हुँदैन

संसदीय क्यालेन्डर बनेपछि समय र कामको निर्धारण हुन्छ । हामी हेरौँ न, अन्य संस्थामा काम गर्ने समय हुन्छ । त्यसरी नै एउटा योजना बनाएर काम गर्न सहयोग गर्छ । सदनलाई पनि एउटा टाइमफ्रेम चाहिएको छ । यसले जनतालाई गरेका वाचा पूरा गर्न सहयोग गर्छ । हामीले स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा र अन्य क्षेत्रमा गरेका वाचा यति समयमा गर्छौँ भनेर भन्नुपर्छ । त्यसो हुँदा हामी जवाफदेही हुन्छौँ

eKagaj, 2023-02-03

सांसदहरू, मन्त्रालयले बिजनेस देला भनेर कुर्न बन्द गरौं

संसदलाई तालिका बनाएर बिजनेस दिने काम मन्त्रीहरुको हो भन्छन् । तर यो मन्त्रालयको मात्रै कुरा होइन । हिउँदे अधिवेशन, बजेट अधिवेशनमा हामी कुन कुन काम गर्छौं त भन्ने तालिका निकाल्ने बित्तिकै त्यसैका आधारमा काम गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ ।

onlinekhabar, 2023-02-01

Bringing Silicon Valley to Kathmandu Valley

Experts say that training a critical mass of engineers in AI can allow the country’s economy to leapfrog and become globally competitive. As long as salaries for clerical staff are low, there is less potential for AI to flourish."

Nepali Times, 2019-11-15

It’s easy to organise protests; the harder part is getting things done

“We have so much latent energy and knowledge that is not being used, and it could definitely help. But it has to be understood that in dealing with issues such as gender discrimination, change has to come internally. Trying to impose change on a community never works. I act because I am not satisfied with the way things are being done. I see that they should be done differently, and in that capacity I try to bring about change.”

The Kathmandu Post, 2017-07-24

When Passion Meets Technology

Sumana started Medication for Nepal during the unofficial Nepal-India blockade with a mission to provide access to medical drugs and supplies in remote areas of Nepal in a very transparent, efficient and low-cost manner. It is really great to be able to solve even small problems and to try. It is good to have problems to solve."

Leapfrog Technology Blog, 2017-03-08

Nepal: Medicine dissemination the new-fashioned way

When the earthquake struck, that was the time I really felt ‘OK, that’s enough. I need to really go back [to Nepal] and do something there. President Barack Obama in a speech praised her “company in Nepal that’s helping to improve charity healthcare.

Nepali Times, 2016-06-28

Carpooling in Kathmandu

“I asked my friends if we had a platform in Nepal where people can share and get free rides. They said no and that was my cue,” says the Kathmandu native. Shrestha got on her laptop, worked out of a café and created a Facebook group ‘Carpool Kathmandu’. The idea was simple. People who had extra seats in their vehicles could offer the same to those looking for a ride.

Nepali Times, 2015-12-06