Passport application

Issue: Inaccessibility of pre-enrolment forms on the Department of Passport’s website push even the digitally able citizens towards cyber cafes, 1500 max capacity for biometrics at DoP, unclear issues of service down.

Recommendations to MoFA and DoP:
After studying the process, bottlenecks and consumer experience we made these recommendations to MoFA

  • Allow filling up of forms before selecting an appointment date. However, the applicant must finalize the form before being able to book an appointment.
  • Make a holiday schedule, and open more slots; people should be able to book appointments months in advance for the normal route.
  • 24-hour availability of Pre-Enrollment services.
  • All DAOs must accept online payment.
  • Collaborate with cybers as partners in helping people fill up the enrollment forms and reasonable charges to be determined and service level defined.
  • Begin procurement process to replenish blank passport stock to meet future demand.

Accomplishments as of Feb 7:

  • Most districts have followed DoP instructions to open plenty of dates
  • In districts that have opened up dates, the earliest date available ranges from a day in the same week to 3-4 weeks later.
  • DoP’s earliest available date is Mar 13, i.e. 5 weeks lead time. [Emergency services available.]
  • Some districts don’t have available appointment dates:
    • Lalitpur - slots opened till March 3 but currently no slots available
    • Chitwan - slots opened till Mar 26 no slots available
    • Makwanpur - Earliest date available is Apr 4
    • Dhanusha - open till Mar 3 no slots available
    • Kanchanpur - open till Mar 10 no slots
    • In general, low slot availability in Madhesh Pradesh.
  • Still, traffic is high during 2-6 PM, pre-enrollment and filling forms is hard due to congestion. But at anytime except that range - in the mornings, at noon and late at night anyone can easily fill up the pre-enrollment form. Hopefully, this will ease once people realize appointment dates are available more easily now.

Updates as of Feb 28:
Reported passport issuance time (biometric till ready to collect sms)

  • Kathmandu DAO - 23 days (as reported by 1)
  • Bhaktapur DAO - 18 days (as reported by 2)


First meeting with the Department of Passport(DoP) team
Second meeting with the DoP team, visited the DoP and surveyed service seekers
Presentation to the Prime Minister at his residence in Baluwatar
Third meeting with the DoP team and the secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
Presentation to Minister Bimala Rai Paudyal, MoFA and DoP team, recommendations provided