Aviation safety

Issue: Understanding the issues with Nepal’s aviation safety

Problems identified:

  • The Meteorological Forecasting Division is grossly understaffed. Currently staff count is 251 which after various restructuring is down from 351 alloted in 2044 B.S. (1987/88 A.D.)
  • Based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) audit of TIA, there are deficiencies at the Meterological department:
    • lack of infrastructure and human resources
    • no investments in developing localized weather forecasting models
    • lack of aerodrome wind shear
    • competency training required, Quality Management System (QMS) and unit required, etc.


  • Split Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)
  • create an autonomous crash investigation unit
  • conduct an analysis of the implementation of ICAO recommendations and past investigation findings.


First meeting with Dr Archana Shrestha at the Meteorological Forecasting Division of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
Visited airlines hangars at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA)